Senior Lecturer in Social Sculpture and Connective Practice
Grants and Memberships
From 1991-1993 scholarship holder at Evangelisches Studienwerk, Haus Villigst; from 1996-1998 scholarship holder at the Laurenz House Foundation, Basel.
Trustee for the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin. Jury member of the Joseph Beuys Research Prize (Joseph Beuys Preis für Forschung), Museum Schloss Moyland
Particular contribution to the field of Social Sculpture / SSRU
- Epistemology in the work of Joseph Beuys and related philosophical enquiries
- Philosophy of Imagination and its relevance to contemporary social sculpture
- Agents of Change, Ecological Citizenship and Poetic Consciousness
- Practice based supervision for graduate research students
- Contributing to international fora on social sculpture and presenting the work of the Social Sculpture Research Unit in international contexts.
Doctoral Supervision Areas – Theoretical and Practice-Based
- Joseph Beuys“ ‘theory of sculpture“
- The interface between theory and practice in the field of social sculpture
- Epistemology in the work of Joseph Beuys and related philosophical enquiries
- The philosophy of imagination and its relevance to contemporary social sculpture
- Agents of Change, Ecological Citizenship and Poetic Consciousness
- Social Sculpture and New Economics